Welcome to your website …..wnc-moaa.org. And I want to emphasize that this is YOUR website. Your suggestions, ideas, and contributions are solicited and welcomed. The website is ALWAYS under development, trying to continuously improve it. So YOUR suggestions are needed... webmaster or wncmoaawebmaster@gmail.com (mainly for pictures) .
Let's take a little tour...
First you'll notice the background picture, with the new logo of WNC-MOAA up top above the logos of the services. The picture was in the background of the previous website, and highlighted the "smoky" nature of the Smokies. But that picture can be changed...more on that later...
The logo was designed by our web designer, Ric Kolseth, and includes a more compact version (see upper right here) designed to be more suitable for coffee cups or polo shirts...future ideas...
The service logos are "live" (clickable links) that take you straight to the service home page...in case you forgot what the active forces were up to these days...
Next is the ticker. This will normally contain 2-3 notices of particular interest or urgency. If it's "blue" it's a link...clicking on the ticker in that case it will take you to the detailed notice on the website.
I'd like to emphasize this is a mobile device ready site. Some things are a little more compact on the mobile site (obviously) but all the functionality is there.
Below that, on the left, is the smaller version of the logo. Clicking on that will take you "home" (the main home page) from anywhere in the site. Centered on the page is a blue box with the short phrases "About Us...Pages...Contact Us" in it. "About Us" takes you to a short para telling the visitor about WNCMOAA. "Pages" takes you to a listing of the sections of the website. It's the same as the listing on the left side, in the "treeline," of the front page on the desktop site. Some call those "tabs", in web parlance they are "Channels."Just another way to navigate the site. The third phrase, "Contact Us" is an email form that goes to the President and Secretary of WNCMOAA.
On the far right side you'll see a tiny date with a gear. That gear is the access point into the "back side" (passworded) of the website. Currently, that's for the webmaster to access and update the site. In the future, secured items will be stored in a similar password-protected portion for members to access.
Next down, starting from the left again, is the main menu (in the "treeline"), found only on the desktop site. Each of these will open a section in the website. More on this below.
Next over from that is your President's message.
Further to the right is a slideshow...and I want to talk about this for a minute. Currently, this is a collection of pictures from the old website with a few random mountain nature shots thrown in. If you "click" on a picture, it blows up and a written description appears. I'd like to see this become a "showplace" for your pictures of Western NC. Mountains, flowers, attractions (GSMRR, Biltmore, Nantahala Outdoor Center, and so forth) that really highlight the beauty, history, and wonder of this place that we are so fortunate to call HOME. Send those pictures (as attachments) to wncmoawebmaster, with a short description (tied to a pic identification) and who took it/how you got it...and we'll put YOUR pictures and that description in there. If you have hardcopy pics, send them to the chapter, we'll scan them and get them back to you.
Now back to the menu items in the "treeline" on the left side of the desktop site, or the page menu from the mobile site. There's some sections for About us, FAQs, and so forth. LInks is mainly links to the services now but will eventually include other useful links. Note there are some new menu items since we launched a month ago. There is one for Legislative Affairs, discussing where MOAA is applying pressure to support legislative items that affect active duty members, veterans, retirees and their families and how YOU can and should get involved; COVID-19 Info, that provides useful information about the ongoing pandemic, items of general interest and some specifically affecting our military community; and last, a channel for Chapter Satellites, a place for items from our two satellites, the one in Maggie Valley and the one in Weaverville. These menu items can be adjusted, added to or subtracted from. Remember, I said this is YOUR website. The section "Photo album" is also supported by your photos. Send those pictures (as attachments) to wncmoawebmaster , with a short description (tied to a pic identification) and who took it/how you got it. This longer description will be visible on the site. Explore the menu items and give us your feedback!