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  WNC-MOAA : Western North Carolina Chapter MOAA Legislative Affairs: What your Chapter is doing to support YOU


Take Action! On WNC-MOAA State Legislative Priorities

Making NC a more military-friendly "green" state

Request as many of our members as possible send the attached letter of the legislative priorities to the four State Senators and ten State Representatives throughout the months of June and July, the sooner the better. We also recommend the same letter be sent to the Speaker of the NC House, minority leader within the State House, and the NC Senate Majority Leader as well as the NC Senate Minority Leader.

As described in the 2021 Legislative Report, we have chosen, in alignment with our State [more...]

TAKE ACTION! Click here to notify your representatives of your views!

Posted: 06/01/21 17:27 by WNC MOAA under "Business"

2021 State MOAA Legislative Report

Article by : COL Michael Padgett, USA (Ret) WNC MOAA State Legislative Affairs Chair

Since our last report in 2020, the NC Council of Chapters (NCCOC) Legislative Affairs committee has been attempting to clarify the critical times required for contacts with our 10 State Representatives and 4 State Senators from Western NC.

As far as timing, the critical thing is to get our WNC MOAA state legislative priorities to our respective state Representatives and Senators before their yearly duties begin in January of each new year, especially following an election year. The second year, [more...]

Posted: 05/30/21 19:42 by WNC MOAA under "Business"