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Charles George VA Medical Center - Decoding VA Acronyms

Sometimes looking at your records can feel like you're looking at alphabet soup. The Western North Carolina VA Health Care System is providing this list to make it easier.

As a Veteran, looking at your health records can sometimes feel like you're looking at alphabet soup. Something that should be simple feels as if it's "ate up like a soup sandwich" as many drill sergeants used to say.

Well, the Western North Carolina VA Health Care System wants to make it easy.

Per system policy, when symbols, abbreviations and acronyms are used in a Veteran's health record, there must be an explanatory legend or standardized list available to decipher their meaning. When included in information provided to Veterans, abbreviations and acronyms must be explained in language that are easily understood.

Though this legend doesn't include all the possible abbreviations used in medical documentation, we are committed to the safety of our Veterans, and we want to ensure their understanding of their medical record. If the user of this list has any questions, they are welcome to reach out to their PACT team for clarification.

Thank you for your service and thank you for choosing VA!

Abbreviation Meaning

/F lower complete denture

/P lower partial denture

a.c. before meals

a.d. right ear

a.m. morning; before noon

a.s. left ear

a.u. both ears

aa of each

AAA apply to affected area

AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm

ABF aortobifemoral bypass

ABI ankle brachial index

Abnl abnormal

ABX antibiotics

AC IOL anterior chamber intraocular lens

ACA anterior cerebral artery

ACT acceptance and commitment therapy

ACW acetowhite (change) or leukoplakia

ad lib. as much as desired; freely

ADATC Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Center

ADD attention deficit disorder

ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADT androgen deprivation therapy

AH/VH auditory hallucination/visual hallucination

AIMS abnormal involuntary movement scale

AIN acute interstitial nephritis

AJ ankle joint

AKA above knee amputation

AKI acute kidney injury

AMD age-related macular degeneration

Amp amputation

amp. ampule

Amph amphetamines

amt. amount

AOx3 alert and oriented in three spheres

APAP acetaminophen

Appy appendectomy

APR abdominoperineal resection

APT antiplatelet therapy

aq. water

AR anterior resection

AT anterior tibialis

ATC around the clock

ATN acute tubular necrosis

AUB abnormal uterine bleeding

AVF arteriovenous fistula

AVG arteriovenous graft

AVM arteriovenous malformation

B bilateral

B buccal

b.i.d. twice a day

b/l bilateral

BA behavioral activation

BAD bipolar affective disorder

BB brachiobasilic

BC brachiocephalic

BDR background diabetic retinopathy

bib. drink

Bilat bilateral

BKA below knee amputation

BLE bilateral lower extremity

BLL bilateral lower lid

BOT base of tongue

BP blood pressure

BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia

BRONJ bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw

BRVO branch retinal Vein Occlusion

bucc. inside cheek

BUE bilateral upper extremity

BUL bilateral upper lid

Bup buprenorphine

BWX bitewing

BX biopsy

Bxy biopsy

BZD benzodiazepine

C chills

c. with

c/s culture and sensitivity

Ca cancer

CAD coronary artery disease

CAP carcinoma of the prostate

cap. capsule

CBCT cone beam computed tomography

CBT cognitive behavioral therapy

CBZ carbamazepine

cc cubic centimeter (cm3)

CC chief compliant

CCA common carotid artery

CCE clubbing, cyanosis, edema

cdi clean, dry, and intact

CEA carotid endarterectomy

CEIOL cataract extraction with intraocular lens placement

CFA common femoral artery

CFV common femoral vein

CIA common iliac artery

CIC clean intermittent catheterization

CIDP chronic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy

CKD chronic kidney disease

CLI critical limb ischemia

cm centimeter

CN cranial nerve (number that follows indicated which nerve

CNS central nervous system

COE comprehensive exam

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CP chest pain

CPT cognitive processing therapy

CPT Current Procedural Terminology (procedure code book)

CRVO central retinal vein occlusion

CSF cerebral spinal fluid

CSSRS Columbia suicide severity rating scale

CT computerized tomography

CT A/P abdomen & pelvis CT scan

CTA CT Abdomen

CTA CT angiogram

CT-Bx CT scan guided biopsy

CTH CT head

CTO chronic total occlusion

CTR carpal tunnel release

CTS carpal tunnel syndrome

CVI chronic venous insufficiency

CWT compensated work therapy

cx culture

CXR chest x-ray

D distal

d.c. discontinue

D/C discontinue

D/C discharge

DAPT dual antiplatelet therapy

DAW dispense as written

DBT dialectical behavior therapy

DCR distal clavicle resection

DDX differential diagnosis

DEB drug-eluting balloon

DES dry eye syndrome

DF dorsiflexion

DFE dilated fundus examination

dil. dilute

DIPJ distal interphalangeal joint

disp. dispense

div. divide

dL deciliter

DM diabetes mellitus

DME diabetic macular edema

DMI diabetes type 1

DMII diabetes type 2

Dom domiciliary

DP dorsalis pedis

DPH Dilantin (phenytoin)

DPH diphenhydramine/Benadryl

DR delayed-release

DVT deep vein thrombosis

DX diagnosis

EAC external auditory canal

EAM external auditory meatus

EBL estimated blood loss

EBRT external beam radiation therapy

EBUS bronchoscopy with endobronchial ultrasound

EC enteric-coated

ECA external carotid artery

ECC endocervical curettage

ED erectile dysfunction

EEG electroencephalogram

EIA external iliac artery

EMA early morning awakening

EMB endometrial biopsy

EMDR eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

EMG electromyelography

ENB electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy

ENDO endodontist/ endodontic therapy

ENT ear nose and throat

EOD every other day

EOMI extra ocular movements intact

Epi epinephrine

EPS extrapyramidal symptoms

ER extended-release

ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram

ERM epiretinal membrane

ESRD end stage renal disease (on dialysis)

ESWL extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy

et and

ETOH alcohol

EUA exam under anesthesia

EVAR endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

FEVAR fenestrated EVAR

ext external

F fever

F facial

f. make; let it be made

F/ upper complete denture

FBR First at Blue Ridge

fem-pop femoropopliteal bypass

FF free fluid

FGA first generation antipsychotic

FL fluoride

fl. fluid

FLAIR fluid attenuated inversion recovery

FMX full mouth series (radiographs)

FNA fine needle aspiration

FOL flexible laryngoscopy

FOM floor of mouth

FPD fixed partial denture

FSGS focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

ft. make; let it be made

FT full thickness

FWB full weight bearing

FX fracture

FXD for 10 days

g grams

GAD generalized anxiety disorder

GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder - 7

gal gallon

GBS Guillain-Barré syndrome

GBUS gallbladder ultrasound

GDS geriatric depression scale

GI gastrointestinal

GLC glaucoma

gm grams

GN glomerular nephritis

gr. grain

GSV great saphenous vein

GTC generalized tonic clinic

gtt. drop

h. hour

hr. hour

hor. hour

h.s. at bedtime

h/a/p hypermetropia/astigmatism/presbyopia

HA headache

HALNx hand assisted laparoscopic nephrectomy

HbA1c hemoglobin a1c test

HBOT hyperbaric oxygen therapy

HCT hydrochlorothiazide

HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide

HD hemodialysis

HF hot flushes

HH hiatal hernia

HI homicidal ideation

HIDA scan hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan

HIV human immunodeficiency virus

HPI history of present illness

HSG hysterosalpingogram

HTN hypertension

HVF Humphrey visual field

Hx history

I incisal

I and D incision and drainage

I&D irrigation and debridement

I/O in and out (catheter)

IBM inclusion body myositis

ICA internal carotid artery

ICH intracranial hemorrhage

ICI intracorporal Injection

ICP intracranial pressure

ID intradermal

IDDM insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

IgA immunoglobulin A

IIH idiopathic intracranial hypertension

IJ internal jugular

IM intramuscular

IM intramural

IMA inferior mesenteric artery

IN intranasal

inf. infusion

inh. inhalation

inj. injection

INR international normal ratio

IOC intra operative cholangiogram

IOP intraocular pressure

IPJ interphalangeal joint

IPP inflatable penile prosthesis

IR immediate-release

ISI insomnia severity index

IUD intrauterine device

IUI intrauterine insemination

IV intravenous

iVATS image-guided video assisted thoracoscopic surgery

IVC inferior vena cava

IVCF inferior vena cava filter

IVF in vitro fertilization

K potassium

kg kilogram

L liter

L left

L lateral

LAI long-acting injectable

Lap LHC laparoscopic left hemicolectomy

Lap RHC laparoscopic right hemicolectomy

LAR low anterior resection

lat lateral

LAVH laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy

lb pound

LBP low back pain

LE lower extremity

LGB lap gallbladder

LHC left hemicolectomy

LIP licensed independent practitioner

liq. liquid

LL laser lithotripsy

LLE left lower extremity

LLL left lower lid

LLL left lower lobe

LMN lower motor neuron

LMTG lamotrigine

LMWH low molecular-weight heparin

LOA lyses of adhesion

LOE limited oral exam

lot. lotion

LPC licensed professional counselor

LRTI ligament reconstruction tendon interposition

LTG lamotrigine

LUE left upper extremity

LUL left upper lid

LUL left upper lobe

LUS lower uterine segment

m meter

M mesial

M medial

Man mandibular (lower)

MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor

MAP myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia

Max maxillary (upper)

max. maximum

MBC measurement based care

MBD metabolic bone disease

MBRP mindfulness based relapse prevention

MBSR mindfulness based stress reduction

MCA middle cerebral artery

mcg; μg microgram

MCI mild cognitive impairment

MD medical doctor

MDD major depressive disorder

MDP Medrol dosepak

med medial

MET metabolic expulsion therapy

mg milligram

MGF maternal grandfather

MGM maternal grandmother

MH mental health

MHC Mental Health Clinic

MI motivational interviewing

min. minimum

mL milliliter

mm millimeter

MMN multifocal motor neuropathy

MMSE mini-mental Status exam

MNA middle night awakening

MoCA Montreal cognitive assessment

MPGN membrane proliferative glomerulonephritis

MPJ metatarsophalangeal joint

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

MRONJ medication related osteonecrosis of the jaw

MSA multisystem atrophy

MSE mental status exam

MST military sexual trauma

MTJ mid tarsal joint

MUA manipulation under anesthesia

N nausea

Nav-Bronch electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy

neb. nebulizer

Neg negative

NGB neurogenic bladder

NIV noninvasive vascular studies (e.g. ultrasound, ABI)

Nl normal

NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome

NNVAMD non-neovascular age related macular degeneration

Noncon without contrast (non-contrast)

NPDR non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy

NPH normal pressure hydrocephalus

NPWT negative pressure wound therapy (aka wound vac)

NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NTG normo-tensive glaucoma

NVAMD neovascular macular degeneration”

NVCC Non-VA community care

NVG neovascular glaucoma

NVID neurovascularly intact distally

NWB non weight bearing

Nx nephrectomy

O occlusal

o.d. right eye

o.s. left eye

o.u. both eyes

OC oral cavity

OCC Office of Community Care

OCD obsessive compulsive disorder

OD right eye (oculus dexter)

ODT oral disintegrating tablet

OHTN ocular hypertension

oint. ointment

OMFS oral maxillofacial surgery

ON optic nerve

ORIF open reduction internal fixation

OS left eye (oculus sinister)

OSA obstructive sleep apnea

OSP open simple prostatectomy

OTC over the counter

OU both eyes together (oculi uterque)

OUD opioid use disorder

oz ounce

P&A phenol and alcohol

p.c. after meals

p.m. evening; after noon

p.o. by mouth; orally

p.r. rectally

p.r.n. as needed (for)

p.v. vaginally

P/ upper partial denture

PA prior authorization

PAA popliteal artery aneurysm

PAD peripheral arterial disease

PANO panoramic image

PAOD peripheral arterial occlusive disease

PARL periapical radiolucency

PAs panic attacks

Path pathology

PAU penetrating aortic ulcer

PAX periapical radiograph

PC primary care

PC IOL posterior chamber intraocular lens

PCA posterior cerebral artery

PCP primary care physician

PD Parkinson's disease

PD personality disorder

PD peritoneal dialysis

PDR proliferative diabetic retinopathy

PE prolonged exposure

PET positron emission tomography

PF plantar flexion

PFM porcelain fused to metal

PGF paternal grandfather

PGM paternal grandmother

PHQ-9 patient health questionnaire - 9

PICA posterior inferior cerebral artery

PID pelvic inflammatory disease

PIPJ proximal interphalangeal joint

PMH past medical history

PNES psychogenic nonepileptic spells

PNx partial nephrectomy

POAG primary open angle glaucoma

POD post-operative day

POE periodic oral evaluation

POM post-operative month

pop popliteal artery

Pos positive

POW post-operative week

PP pin prick

PPD pack per day

ppx prophylaxis

Premed antibiotic premedication

Prep preparation

PRRC Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center

PSP progressive supranuclear palsy

PSRP periodontal scaling and root planning

pt pint

PT partial thickness

PT posterior tibialis

PTA percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder

PVD posterior vitreous detachment

PWB partial weight bearing

q every; per

q.a.m. every morning; every day before noon

q.h.s. every day at bedtime

q.i.d. 4 times a day

q.p.m. every evening; every day after noon

q.s. a sufficient quantity

q.w. every week

q12; q. 12 h.; q12° every 12 hours

q1-2; q. 1-2 h.; q1-2° every 1 to 2 hours

qt quart

qty. quantity

R right

RAA renal artery aneurysm

RAS renal artery stenosis

RBUS renal bladder ultrasound

RC radiocephalic

RCP radical cystoprostatectomy

RCR rotator cuff repair

RCT root canal therapy

REI reproductive endocrinology and infertility

RHC right hemicolectomy

RIS responding to internal stimuli

RLE right lower extremity

RLL right lower lid

RLL right lower lobe

RLS restless legs syndrome

RML right middle lobe

ROH removal of hardware

ROM range of motion

RPD removable partial denture

RPGN rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

RPR rapid plasma reagent

RRP radical prostatectomy

RSBD REM sleep behavior disorder

RTC return to clinic

RTSA reverse total shoulder arthroplasty

RUE right upper extremity

RUL right upper lid

RUL right upper lobe

Rx prescription

s&s signs and symptoms

s. without

S/P status post

SAD sub-acromial decompression

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

SARRTP Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program

SBP systolic blood pressure

SBRT stereotactic body radiation treatment

SC subcutaneous

SCD sequential compression device

SFA superficial femoral artery

SGA second generation antipsychotic

SHPTH secondary hyperparathyroidism

SI suicidal ideation

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone

sig. write; label

SIS saline infusion sonohystogram

SL; s.l. sublingually; under the tongue

SLAP superior labrum anterior posterior

SLUMS St. Louis University Mental Status

SM submucosal

SMA superior mesenteric artery

SNRI serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor

SO salpingoophorectomy

SOB shortness of breath

sol. solution

SPT suprapubic tube

SQ subcutaneous

SRI serotonin reuptake inhibitor

SS subserosal

SSN social security number

SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

stat. immediately

STD sexually transmitted disease

STI sexually transmitted infection

STJ subtalar joint

SubQ subcutaneous

SUD substance use disorder

supp. suppository

susp. suspension

SW social work

Sx surgery

syr. syrup

SZ seizure

T&C tenotomy and capsulotomy

t.i.d. 3 times a day

tab. tablet

tabs tablets

TAD take as directed

TAH total abdominal hysterectomy

TBI traumatic brain injury

TBM thin basement membrane disease

tbsp tablespoon

TCA tricyclic antidepressant

TcPO2 transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen

TCVC tunneled central venous catheter

TD tardive dyskinesia

TFR trigger finger release

THA total hip arthroplasty

TIA transient ischemic attack

TKA total knee arthroplasty

TL tubal ligation

TLH total laparoscopic hysterectomy

TMA transmetatarsal amputation

TMJ temporal mandibular joint

top. topical

troch. lozenge

TRUS transrectal ultrasound

TSA total shoulder arthroplasty

tsp teaspoon

TURBT transurethral resection of bladder tumor

TURP transurethral resection of the prostate

TVH total knee arthroplasty

u.d. as directed

UC urothelial carcinoma

UDS urine drug screen

UE upper extremity

UFH unfractionated heparin

UMN upper motor neuron

ung. ointment

URS ureteroscopy

US ultrasound

USMC US Marine Corps


as directed

UTI urinary tract infection

V vomiting

VA vertebral artery

VA visual acuity

VAS visual analogue scale

VATS video assisted thoracoscopic surgery

VBI vertebral basilar insufficiency

VDRL venereal disease research lab test

VED vacuum erection device

VRQ Veteran's Restoration Quarters

VS vibration sensation

w. with

w/f with food; with meals

w/o without

WNL within normal limits

WP wet prep

WWP warm and well-perfused

XR extended-release

XRT radiation therapy

Posted 07/14/20 by WNC MOAA Under Business Permalink 1594751482